Differentiating your company is so important that you probably spend a great deal of time on this already. One important way to do so is through service. Typically policy information is exclusively in the policy system, claims information in the claims system, and billing data in the billing system; the puzzle pieces are scattered around your company. Your customer service representatives answering inquiries from insureds can better handle those calls if they can see, at a glance, that the insured has three policies and two claims with your company. A loss control professional trying to learn about an account before heading out for a field inspection often takes too long to prepare and may not have a complete picture because of today’s disparate systems. If you had a single system (where all the pieces combine) that could present everything about your clients, insureds, claimants, agencies and agents, vendors, and others, in an easy-to-read, cohesive way, think of all the ways you could improve service. Better lead tracking, activity monitoring, and case management would all contribute to better service. Wipfli Connect for Insurance gives you these capabilities.
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