Omnistar Interactive

9261 Red Cart Ct
Columbia, MD 20145

About Omnistar Interactive

How You Can use Omnistar Drive
Upload/Download Multiple Files Without Concern About File Size
Now you can upload/download multiple files at once and not worry about the size of the document.

Email Large Attachments Without the Worry
If you have a document that is 10G and you need to get it to your users, you can use Omnistar Drive. When you email your users with Omnistar, they are sent a link where they can document your attachments. Since users are not going to be downloading attachments and clicking on a link, you can send large files.

Setup User Groups To Manage Thousands Of Users
Omnistar Drive has been setup to manage thousands of user by using user groups. Once you setup a user group, you can specify what folders your user group will have access to. Therefore, if you have one thousand users and you need to all of those users to have access to a certain folder, you can do it easily with Omnistar.

How Omnistar Solves Your Pain

Manage unlimited users easily

Omnistar Drive has the ability to add an unlimited number of users at no additional charge. You can also create user groups. A user group will allow you to modify multiple users at once.

You don't have to install anything

Omnistar Drive is hosted on our server so you do not have to install anything on your server. Also, we manage backups, security, and upgrades.

No hidden fees or Long-term contracts

You will get the best document management software at the best price we have to offer. Plus, you can cancel at anytime. No setup/termination fees either.

Top Benefits You Will Receive

Competitors of Omnistar Interactive

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Integrated Document Technologies, Inc. (IDT)

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