CV-ALIR® from the Coverage VerifierSM Suite of Services is the simplest way to satisfy your statutory obligations to report automobile coverage to state departments of motor vehicles (DMVs).
Many states now require electronic Automobile Liability Insurance Reporting (ALIR), and many more will join soon. The requirements differ from state to state, making it difficult, time-consuming, and costly to comply and stay competitive. You need a reliable reporting, tracking, and error-correction facility.
Help is on the way
Now you can report transactions (including mandatory verification) directly to the DMV. If you participate in the Coverage Verifier database, just submit data to ISO following a uniform standard we've developed — the Coverage Verifier data contribution format. Our robust format and advanced technology, and our many years of state-reporting expertise, work together to meet your electronic ALIR requirements.
Here's how it works
Instead of developing and managing an electronic reporting program for every state, you just establish a single data feed to Coverage Verifier. Using state-of-the-art technology and our extensive experience in meeting the challenges of state reporting, we process your company's data according to individual state requirements.
We manage all communications with the DMV, including transactions returned and initiated by the DMV.
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