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Governance Rules as a Service (GRaaS)
The industry’s first complete fully researched, legally defensible Document Retention SolutionGovernance Rules as a Service (GRaaS) is a complete single source of truth end-to-end retention solution from OnBase by Hyland Software and IDT. GRaaS combines a fully researched, web-accessible retention schedule—powered by the Iron Mountain® Policy Center solution—with robust, rules-based automation to apply those same written retention rules directly to documents that reside your content services platform solution from OnBase and IDT.
With GRaaS from Hyland and IDT you get:
- An established legally defensible, evergreen retention schedule for OnBase documents that reflects the latest global laws and regulations aligned by industry and jurisdiction;
- An end-to-end solution that enforces a consistent, structured retention policy for OnBase documents through automation;
- Peace of mind knowing you won’t have to hire costly legal firms to perform analysis and maintain compliance;
- Minimization of legal risks associated with accumulation of expired records and keeping information longer than required;
- Reduced processing time and expense associated with manual deletion of unneeded documents;
- Increased system efficiency through the automatic destruction of documents that no longer have value;
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