Iron Mountain's Document Management Solutions help you create and manage a fully integrated program—with complete visibility and access to all your business records, in whatever form they're in and wherever they reside. Your business process will accelerate. Sound decision making will increase. Compliance will be more attainable.
Iron Mountain’s wide-ranging suite of Document Management Solutions deliver:
Comprehensive Document Imaging Services offering cost-effective, intelligent scanning solutions that transition paper to electronic records, maximizing your ROI while minimizing expenses and logistics
Strategic Document Management Solutions that provide fast and reliable access to the documents you need—when you need them
Fast and reliable access to your most critical business documents with the Digital Record Center® for Images—a high-capacity, high-availability repository for storing electronic copies of business documents
Advanced record management software to manage records throughout their lifecycle wherever the records reside—from inception through active, onsite management, archival storage management and destruction.
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