Sapiens Workers' Compensation Software Suites

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Workers’ compensation is one of the largest lines of business in the property and casualty (P&C) industry in North America. But future profitability is getting harder to maintain, with medical and indemnity costs per lost time claim increasing at rates greater than inflation. Insurance organizations require technology solutions that can adapt quickly to business and market conditions, offering high levels of accuracy and efficiency.

The Sapiens Workers’ Compensation suites – Sapiens CoreSuite for Workers’ Compensation (formerly called StoneRiver PowerSuite) and Sapiens GO for Workers’ Compensation (formerly called StoneRiver CompSuite) – offer P&C insurers, administrators and state funds solutions that optimize operational efficiency, increase customer satisfaction, lighten the administrative burden and increase profitability.

Sapiens’ suites handle comprehensive workers’ compensation policy/billing and claims needs. Sapiens CoreSuite is a comprehensive, technology-based suite for automating and simplifying transactions between insurers and their insureds and agents. Sapiens GO for Workers’ Compensation is a full‐featured solution designed for specialized administration of workers’ compensation policies and claims, offered in a hosted environment.

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