SurePower Innovation's sophisticated, rules-based workflows instantly sort new applications, renewals, and endorsements into those that can be handled automatically and those that require an underwriter's touch. The system also includes underwriting within the system-wide rules-engine, breaking down the walls that traditionally separate underwriting from other core functions. This eliminates redundant or even contradictory rules and workflows, increases transparency within Underwriting and for all other stakeholders in your company, and exposes information to be actionable by Underwriting and other departments.
Rules-based validation also ensures that underwriters are complying with your company underwriting policy and knowingly creating exceptions to capture potential added value.
With SurePower Innovation, an underwriter presented with a policy application, change, or renewal knows everything about the customer that is in the system: claims data, billing data, notes, documentation sent and received, other coverages held, and all information for them.
The underwriter also sees all information that is pulled from third-party sources in real-time.
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