Parascript, LLC

6273 Monarch Park Place
Longmont, CO 80503

About Parascript, LLC

Parascript software, driven by data science and powered by machine learning, configures and optimizes itself to automate document-oriented tasks such as document classification, document separation, data entry, and document review for payments. This includes healthcare receivables, lending, claims, prior authorization, medical information, and plan analysis. Every year, over 100 billion documents involved in insurance, government, and banking are processed by Parascript software. Parascript offers its technology both as software products and as software-enabled services to our partners.

Parascript software automates common tasks in the intake and review of patient and provider data supporting core health plan processes including Prior Authorization, Claims Adjudication, HEDIS Compliance and Review, and Plan Analysis for Auto-adjudication. Parascript is the insurance data expert when it comes to converting unstructured insurance information into structured, actionable data.

Competitors of Parascript, LLC

Integrated Document Technologies, Inc. (IDT)

Integrated Document Technologies, Inc. (IDT)

Credible | Competent | Capable IDT is a systems integration and consulting firm specializing in Content Services, ECM (Enterprise Information Management), consulting services and products inclusive of: business process management, case management, content management, data and document capture,... Read More


Vertafore provides software and information to the insurance distribution channel including independent agents, brokers, MGAs, carriers and reinsurers. Vertafore leverages its industry presence to deliver meaningful solutions, powerful technology, critical information and robust insights to... Read More

Products by Parascript, LLC

By Parascript, LLC

Whether the claims involve standardized CMS 1500 forms and supplemental data, workers compensation data, claims litigation, or plan contracts, Parascript has the automation platform to accelerate and control costly and error prone workflows. Using a combination of machine learning techniques... Read more »

By Parascript, LLC

Whether processes involve handling and review of medical provider data or conversion of medical charts into ready-to-review records, Parascript software turns complex unstructured data into actionable information. To support provider efficacy and quality control audits, software based upon the... Read more »

By Parascript, LLC

Automate your loan processing, customer onboarding and check capture. Achieve high levels of "touchless automation" with Parascript software. It rapidly processes large PDFs containing hundreds of discrete documents, which are automatically separated and processed independently. Enable... Read more »

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Content by Parascript, LLC

Intelligent Automation: Capturing the Unicorn

Intelligent Automation: Capturing the Unicorn

Intelligent Automation: Capturing the Unicorn

By Parascript, LLC

This eBook explains how to incorporate a new approach into your document process management strategy. It outlines the scenarios where the technologies and products fit best, how to include them in your multi-year roadmap, how best to service and govern them, and how best to try before you buy...
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